SM 60 biplane & kraken.jpg
SM 1960 landing on water.jpg
SM 60 two aft on ship.jpg
SM 60 funny little airplane.jpg
SM 60 funny long airplane.jpg
SM 60 two-man scooter.jpg
SM 60 cowboy jumps statue.jpg
SM 60 crane explores moon.jpg
SM 60 3 men & water buckets.jpg
SM 60 angry at snowman.jpg
SM 1960 canoes men hats.jpg
SM 60 golf & archers.jpg
SM 60 lion & tamer.jpg
SM 60 car race & tripping.jpg
SM 60 melee with monster.jpg
SM 1962 Good morning birds.jpg
SM 1962 yellow umbrellas.jpg
SM 1962 flag soldiers.jpg
SM 62 bears with umbrellas.jpg
SM 62 moneybox & Runtjak.jpg
SM 62 lamb & red castle.jpg
IMG_1467 - Version 2.jpg
Green Battleship recreation 2.jpg
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